Flag Officers & Executive Committee

The Club Flag Officers and members of the Executive Committee are elected once a year at the General Assembly held at the Club. Each member of the Executive Committee is in charge of a determined sector.

List of the Executive Committee for 2024-2025

Commodore   Pierre Farmer
Vice Commodore    Kim Fata
Rear Commodore   Luc Vallée
Honorary Treasurer Mike Brodeur-Barré
Honorary Secretary  Alison Newall 

Honorary Commodore

Jean-Pierre Mongeau

Fleet Captain

Peter Hall
Harbour  Robert Perrault
Building & Grounds Michel Larocque
Membership Jacques Lacasse
Communications Christine Wheatley
Garry Cleary
Entertainment          Elise Lacombe
House         Jean-Francois Cloutier
Tennis  Yvon Fortin
Pool  William Shishakly
Cruising Yachts   Francois Caron
Sailing Rod Hayes
Instructional Sailing Nicolas Crevier
Young Members  Vanessa Guimond


Office hours of Operation
Monday to Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday - Closed
Sunday - Closed


Contact info:
1350 Lakeshore Drive, Dorval, Québec, H9S 2E3
Email: info@rstlyc.com
Phone: 514-631-2720
Fax: 514-631-2725
Harbour entrance
45° 26.12' N
073° 45.10' W

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