Sailpast Instructions

Sailpast Instructions

A tradition dating back more than 100 years at our Club, Sailpast marks the official start to the “on the water” season. A gathering of as many as possible of our powerboats, keelboats, and dinghies try to participate and take this opportunity to pay their respects to our Commodore, Louise Proulx, as she conducts the ‘review the fleet’ ceremony on Sunday, June 11th.


To add colour to this celebration, you are encouraged to:

  • BEFORE: Dress your ship, but please remove the flags before leaving the harbour
  • DURING: The only ship dressed during Sailpast should be the Commodore.
  • AFTER: To add to the festivities & colour for the day, you are encouraged to dress ship upon your return to harbour, to greet the Commodore with a roaring welcome using all manner of legal sound emitting devices when she enters the harbour.

The Commodore will be standing at anchor aboard her yacht Le Bentley to receive your salute. The Commodore will be accompanied by a committee boat that will fly warning flags. An appropriate Salute consists of "dipping" the Canadian flag, which the skipper is holding to avoid flutter. Sailing vessels may salute by luffing the jib.

Dress in all whites is requested with club blazer as an option. Members’ yachts should fly the Canadian Flag from the stern staff and the Club Burgee from the bow or masthead.


Meet in the Valois Bay area (west of channel marker AD18 (the ‘’GUT’’) for powerboats and keelboats) at 13:45 in groups of similar yachts. Sailpast to be led by Fleet Captain Richard Fabien on Ghost Owl; refer to the document of Instructions on Order of Sailpast available at the club office before departing.

Sequence of events

  1. After passing the committee boat, line up the crew on the foredeck if possible.

(The best appearance is in order of increasing height from the bow.)

  1. Your ship’s company comes to attention two boat lengths from the Flagship. Dinghy skippers should stand, weather permitting.
  2. As bow comes in line with the Flagship’s Canadian flag
    a) Skipper salutes only if wearing a Flag officer’s cap.

b) Lower Canadian flag, or furl it, flown from the stern.

c) (No Canadian flag? - luff the jib).

  1. The Commodore will return your salute.
  2. Two boat lengths past the Flagship, end salute, raise or unfurl the Canadian flag, ship’s company at ease.
  3. Return to the harbour and dress ship or sail around and enjoy the event while keeping well clear of the saluting area.
Office hours of Operation
Monday to Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday - Closed
Sunday - Closed


Contact info:
1350 Lakeshore Drive, Dorval, Québec, H9S 2E3
Phone: 514-631-2720
Fax: 514-631-2725
Harbour entrance
45° 26.12' N
073° 45.10' W

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