Friday Fun Race Series

Friday Fun Race Series is the ideal way to forget the concerns of your busy workweek.  Relax and enjoy a fun sailing race with family or friends. Fun races are really social events under the guise of racing. Members are invited to attend our season kick-off seminar noted on the Official Notice Board and Results or contact our representative. 

Here are a few details of the series:  

We meet every Friday evening on the front lawn terrace of the Clubhouse Pavilion between 5:00 PM and 5:30 PM before heading out on the lake. If there are a lot of boats, we will have two starts. If the weather is terrible or threatening, we don't go out.  The meeting is not mandatory.  An announcement will be made on Channel 77 at 5:45 PM if the race is cancelled.

To keep everything fun, we have some ground rules:

  • This is a white sail series (spinnakers are not allowed).
  • The starting line is long, and the course is a simple triangle unless specified otherwise.
  • An unofficial handicap system is designed to maximize the fun.
  • An original scoring system designed to gauge the level of fun and encourage participation:
  • Fifteen points are awarded each time a boat enters a race (you must be in a race to have fun).
  • The winner is awarded additional points equal to the number of boats in the race.
  • The boat placing second earns one point less than the winner, third place two points less, etc., so even the last place boat earns 1 point (plus 15 for entering) for a total of 16 points.
  • At the end of the season, the boat with the highest number of points wins. Participants can drop their three lowest scores in determining the season's total score. You won't have to show up all the time just to keep in the running.

After-racing mingling is as important as the racing.  The group usually meets up on the patio for the Friday Night BBQ, or there is an informal raft-up party anchoring near the finish line.

Hardcore racing boats are welcome, provided they are helmed by a crew member and not the regular skipper!

No racing experience is needed to join in the fun. New members are especially welcome.

So get ready for some good times and join the fun race gang.

Office hours of Operation
Monday to Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday - Closed
Sunday - Closed


Contact info:
1350 Lakeshore Drive, Dorval, Québec, H9S 2E3
Phone: 514-631-2720
Fax: 514-631-2725
Harbour entrance
45° 26.12' N
073° 45.10' W

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